Friday, 1 December 2017

The Unpredicted Future of Virtual and Augmented Reality

VR technology has long been utilized in various kinds of simulations, from video games and vehicle simulations to theme park rides and even medical and military training programs. Today, however, consumer-level VR systems have finally broken into the mainstream market, thanks to pioneering development kits like the well-publicized Oculus Rift (released in 2013). More recent hardware releases in the likes of Sony’s PlayStation VR and HTC Vive continue to make the technology accessible to the masses.

Although consumer-level VR and AR technologies are still in their early stages, they are considered to be the greatest source of digital disruption since smartphones. In fact, VR and AR systems have been making headlines since the Oculus Rift, and the demand and market for virtual and augmented reality is only expected to grow by the billions in the next 2 years. This accelerated growth translates to a projected $150 billion combined market worth by the year 2020 and with this, the total number of active VR and AR headset users is forecast to reach up to 171 million in the coming year alone.

Beyond entertainment, virtual reality has seen success in treating mental health disorders, particularly people dealing with PTSD. Virtual rendering of traumatic memories for PTSD sufferers aid in their recovery as they go through VR therapy. Other top fields that are starting to embrace VR and AR technologies include education, journalism, retail, and the automotive and movie industries.

Expeditions, announced by Google way back in 2015, promises a virtual reality platform that is built for classroom settings. 360-degree videos are already making rounds in social media and elsewhere—a clear sign of the changing ways by which people prefer to consume content. Augmented reality apps have also been making waves, ranging from applications that allow users to change make-up, hair, and eye color to those that let people try on clothes or place household products and items for sale around their home.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Intrusion Detection

Intrusion Detection System or IDS is a system that is capable of analyzing real time and delayed events in a computer system. It is the job of an intrusion detection system to detect overflows and other visible signs of attacks so as to generate alerts for possible actions and procedures to protect information systems. It is a vital part of any information system as it allows you to guard your network against potential threats and vulnerabilities.

With threats of security breaches and similar vulnerabilities advancing at lightning speeds, IDS is an indispensable tool for any computer or information system user for managing potential intrusions. System intruders can be any individual or groups of individuals attempting to either access or prevent access to data. They can pose internal or external threats that can be extremely disruptive to your network or system. A properly deployed intrusion detection system will ensure fast identification of the methods or the types of threats these intruders pose while providing intelligent alerts to the threat and potential actions to take against them. There are even advanced IDS programs that are designed to stop the intrusion as they happen. These systems even analyze how the intrusion was made possible, in turn, enabling them to deny similar exploitations in the future.

IDS sensors fall under three major types, namely (1) host-based, (2) network-based, and (3) hybrid. Host-based programs are deployed on individual hosts. They monitor packets that are directed at the host’s system or the processes inside it. Network-based programs on the other hand, use network cards in wanton mode and perform analysis of all packets on a particular network segment. These programs can monitor an entire network or several systems depending on their area of deployment as well as the network’s topology. Hybrid sensors offer the capabilities of bot network-based and host-based sensors.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

How to Build a Free Server in Cloud – AWS

Designed for first time users as well as those looking to try worthwhile hosting services with comprehensive cloud computing options without spending too much (or at all) for a trial, AWS Free Tier provides users with a free web services environment to cater to their server configuration and other hosting needs. Amazon’s AWS surpasses every other cloud platform in the market, beating out many VPN service providers especially in terms of availability and scalability. If you are looking for a reliable hosting services for a blog or a website, or something to beta test your product on without the high fees, the Amazon’s AWS Free Tier is definitely for you.

Steps to Leverage AWS Free Tier in Configuring a Server

  1. Log into your AWS account and go to the EC2 dashboard
  2. Choose the location where you want to set up your VPN and click on Launch Instance
  3. Choose the appropriate Linux/Windows AMI listed as Free Tier Eligible
  4. Choose a Free Tier Eligible t2.micro-instance
  5. Click Review and Launch
  6. Click Edit Security Groups (you need those to enable traffic from your computer to reach the VPN or proxy)
  7. Assuming you already have a rule in place for the connection, Hit Save
  8. Click Review and Launch
  9. Hit Launch

Real Cost Savings with AWS Free Tier

AWS Free Tier allows you access to various AWS services at no charge, but within fair usage limits. This trial tier is specifically designed to give users hands-on experience with the robust functions and services AWS offers, free of charge. This means being able to explore and use AWS as platform for your business website, complete with its own server, database, and alerts. Creating an AWS account entitles you to a free 12-month period eligibility. Only after your eligibility expires will AWS start charging you regular rates for the services and resources your website is using.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Get Your PC Problems Resolved with Microsoft Live Support

Microsoft Live Support provides an easy and handy way to diagnose and resolve technical problems. Live support for PCs are offered by Microsoft and third-party providers that are certified by Microsoft for their expertise and knowledge in diagnosing and troubleshooting issues in Microsoft products. Microsoft Live Support lets you fix the problem of your PCs with guidance from a Microsoft-certified expert. It can be an ideal alternative to calling a technician over to your business, especially if you are in a hurry to have the issue fixed. Live support makes sense if do not have the time to take your computer to any service center to have the problem diagnosed and fixed. You can conduct the troubleshooting yourself while being guided by a certified Microsoft technician over the phone or live chat.

Certain types PC problems can be resolved easily by an experienced Microsoft Live Support team. These include installation errors, Windows upgrade issues, BSOD and stop errors, service pack issues, update errors, security issues, audio and video problems, performance issues, virus removal, and problems with drivers. You should be able to troubleshoot those issues with help from a Microsoft Live Support representative. The service caters to the needs of in-house IT teams, large corporations, and small and medium businesses. Actual support from Microsoft may be expensive in the long run, but you can always turn to an IT support service provider that is certified by Microsoft to provide assistance and services to their products.

Most businesses these days cannot do without computers and digital devices. In fact, technology is an important investment that every business (regardless of its size) should consider. Technology is an important aspect of daily operations as it eases the workload and productivity burdens. Partnering with a Microsoft certified provider of computer and systems repair services can protect you from unwanted delays and losses caused by malfunctions. Find a company that can provide reliable Microsoft Live Support. 

About the Author:
Mike Rana is the Chief Technology Advisor of Orion Network Solutions. Orion Network Solutions specializes in providing Computer Installation, Maintenance, and Consulting services along with 24x7 help desk services for small and midsize companies. We provide network solutions that enable small businesses to not only lower their management cost but also increases employee productivity at the same low price. We offer network solution that becomes an integral part of your organization and can provide an increase in productivity of your organization.

Are IT Support Services Worth the Investment?

Your business could save a lot of time, money, and effort when it has a reliable partner that can provide IT support services. While the manufacturers of your computers, devices, and other IT systems in the office may have their own tech support hotlines and contact centers, they might not provide services beyond the warranty date. Consider outsourcing the repairs to an IT support service provider. That way, you can have a one-stop source for assistance whenever something goes wrong. The most successful companies in the world invest in IT support services to prevent costly delays that are usually caused by technological glitches. Just be sure to hire certified and established providers that have more than a decade of experience in providing IT support services to a wide range of clients from different industries.

IT support services are worth your time and money because outsourcing can be cheaper in the long run, especially if you have a small or medium-sized business. You may not have the resources or the right staff to conduct repairs or diagnose problems in computers and devices that are allowed in your BYOD policy. With managed IT services, you can have a reliable team of experts who are always ready to help your business without the expense associated with benefits and full-time salaries.

IT support services offer predictable monthly costs, which will be cost-effective in the long run. And because they work for you, you do not have to worry about surprise repair expenses and your systems can be repaired as soon as possible. IT support service providers offer scalable packages with the needs of your business in mind. That way, you can be sure that the service is provided according to your technology, bandwidth, staffing requirements, and other factors that may affect pricing.

About the Author:
Mike Rana is the Chief Technology Advisor of Orion Network Solutions. Orion Network Solutions specializes in providing Computer Installation, Maintenance, and Consulting services along with 24x7 help desk services for small and midsize companies. We provide network solutions that enable small businesses to not only lower their management cost but also increases employee productivity at the same low price. We offer network solution that becomes an integral part of your organization and can provide an increase in productivity of your organization.

Should You Migrate Your Email Server to The Cloud?

As cloud technology continues to evolve and improve, more solutions are being implemented to make it more reliable as a storage solution for every organization. These days, the cloud recognized as a means to host apps and platforms—like email, which used to be localized. Email technologies in the cloud have helped boost productivity while ensuring dependable and secure online backup of emails in a dedicated environment that can be customized to suit an organization’s unique needs. Microsoft, and Rackspace are some examples of providers offering a range of business-class email solutions hosted in the cloud.

Moving to the cloud is always good for every organization. By migrating emails to the cloud, you can eliminate the need to worry about server maintenance. This can save money, let you avoid downtime. Disaster recovery will be easier when your email server is hosted in a cloud. Even if a computer crashes, you do not have to worry about important emails being lost. The cloud is accessible from anywhere as long as you have internet access. Hence, you can check and retrieve emails remotely using any device, like your smartphone, laptop, or tablet. 

Cloud-based emails can be synced up, so you can access data from any device. Collaboration will be easier when your email server is migrated to the cloud, as it will enable real-time collaboration and editing along with other benefits, like instant updates, voice or video conferencing, and higher storage capacity for storing and sending emails with large file attachments.

Migrating your email server to the cloud should be easy and will not cause a lot of downtime if you have the right platform. Work with a reliable provider of scalable email hosting and make sure you have backed up and verified your data. Expect some downtime, too, as even the most reliable and efficient migration solution will cause that. However, you can mitigate that issue by coming up with the right plan to execute the move while ensuring the most minimal loss for your business.

There are security considerations involved when migrating email servers to the cloud. For instance, if there are existing security issues, moving to the cloud will not necessarily solve them if your current security infrastructure or architecture is not updated or fixed. Hence before migration, make sure the entire IT security framework is stable and secure, and that your organization is compliant to the standards in data protection.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

How and Why Companies Are Incorporating the Dedicated IT Support Services

The need for IT exists across businesses. With advances in technology and applications, virtually all businesses require IT for faster growth and optimized efficiency. Organizations with significant scale of operations find the need for dedicated IT support services to draw advantages and benefits. Dedicated IT support is more or less akin to having an in-house IT service team without actually having to foot large overheads. Here are some of the compelling reasons why companies are increasingly looking towards dedicated IT support services.

Considerable knowledge base borne out of core operational experience

The very nature of the dedicated IT support services lends the service provider greater experience in IT infrastructure, its operation and maintenance. This expertise lends clients the power and freedom to look at long term needs with a strong foundation and support from the support service provider.  Engineers, technicians, systems and processes of the IT support service provider combine to offer better service.

Round the clock support infrastructure
An IT support service provider invariably operates round the clock with robust processes in place to offer near instantaneous support to keep systems ticking right. The monitoring of client systems with periodic updates and backups ensures that clients are backed up by a professional service provider. Maintaining the same level of support through an in-house team may demand the establishment of an entire section or department.

Cost cutting exercise

The need to offer employee benefits, maintain the best infrastructure and follow frequent maintenance operations may actually not be an economically viable exercise for organizations that plan to have an in-house team in place.  The economies of scale are often the driving factor behind support infrastructures and services. Organizations would find it difficult and uneconomical to maintain and man support infrastructure, in the manner of services and support offered by dedicated support service providers.

With a whole list of advantages such as backup solutions, real time monitoring, all round support, and extensive knowledge base support it makes business sense to choose support services. Especially in light of the fact that the services are offered at actually a fraction of the costs it would take to establish the same level of services in house.

Why It Makes Sense to Identify Network Security Risks on Your IT Network before Implementing BYOB Policies

Implementing a BYOB (bring your own device) policy requires careful consideration of your current network and its vulnerabilities, as any weak spot in your IT network can become a threat to the security of devices and business data. Identifying network security risks in IT should be prioritized to make sure it is okay to use mobile devices in the workplace. Simple measures like keeping Windows updated and securing your web server can already make a huge difference in minimizing network security risks—and failing to do so may increase your risk of losing valuable data, downtime, and getting hacked.

Mobile devices have become more prominent in the corporate IT network; after all, smartphones have become an integral part of life for many people. Many businesses that allow their employees to bring their own laptops and use these devices along with their own tablets and smartphones have seen massive improvements in productivity and employee efficiency. A growing number of business now allow a ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) arrangement, letting their employees work in the field or from any remote location using their personal gadgets. As efficient and convenient as BYOD may seem, it can also be dangerous as it poses network security risks in IT. In fact, personal devices are among those that pose the biggest threat to business security.

For this reason, it makes sense to implement a BYOD policy that is unique and ideal to the needs and objectives of a business. BYOD policies can take on different forms, as they should depend on an organization’s purpose, industry, types of devices being used, the network security risks in the IT network, and other factors. Hence, rules will differ from one company to another. Talking to an IT consultant can help your business create a BYOD policy that makes sense to the entire organization and its employees. Once you have the right policy, your employees can then be guided on how to use their mobile devices for work. A solid policy can ultimately help you strengthen your network security and protect your business from catastrophic issues down the road.

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Microsoft CRM Programming Secrets – Tips for Developers

Having a customer relationship management solution can help a business organize and easily streamline processes and functions related to developing, retaining, and improving customer relationships. Microsoft offers some of the leading CRM solutions that are flexible and customizable for every business. Some leading examples are Dynamics 365 and SharePoint. Developers of Microsoft CRM solutions should be able to provide a unique platform that can help businesses fulfill their objectives for implementing a customer relationship management solution. Here are some tips for a developer to enable proper Microsoft CRM programming:

•Consult with the business – Developers must take time to understand the unique requirements of the business. That way, they can develop a bespoke solution that should work for their customer. For instance, Dynamics 365 can be programmed and developed to run on-premise and online.

•Know the programmability features of Microsoft CRM – By identifying a customer’s requirements, developers should be able to use the right programming models that will enable them to customize the right solution for every situation. For instance, when developers write their customers to access the data in Dynamics 365, they have the option to use the organization service or the Web API. The latter offers a development experience that is useful across programming languages, devices, and platforms. It implements open data protocol (Odata), too, which is the standard for consuming and building RESTfulAPIs over any rich data source. Microsoft provides a list of community-supported libraries for OData. Otherwise, developers can code directly using HTTP. 

.NET developers may Web API or the organization service, which enables them to use the set of tools and assemblies to create strongly typed classes with attributes and custom entities added to Dynamics 365. SDK tools and assemblies for code generation can work with Organization Service Context, which is designed according to the same concept as WFC data services to enable developers to track changes and manage relationships and identities.

•Consult with experts – Consulting services can give developers a competitive edge and keep them ahead of their competition when they are updated with the latest developments and knowledge. 

•Use special tools – Address Two and Infusion soft are CRM software tools that can leverage the existing CRM platforms of a business.

How Proper Cyber Security Can Lengthen a Company's Life

Information has become one of the most valuable resources today. As our world becomes more and more digitized, protecting valuable data has become a major challenge for business—not just for the big corporations, but also smaller companies. Data theft or hacking is a serious threat to businesses of all sizes and in all industries. So, as long as there data is digitally stored, anyone can be a target. That is why a growing number of companies have been paying more and more attention and investing heavily on protecting their information. In 2017, the value of the cyber security market is expected to reach $120 billion.
 Data theft, hacking, and more recently the ransomware threat can dramatically affect the reputation, profitability, and viability of companies in many ways. If your business gets targeted, you must deal with the impact of the data breach and containing the threat to prevent more data from being lost. Recovery and restoring the lost data will also be a huge headache. And then there is the issue of restoring the loyalty and confidence of your stakeholders, clients or customers. All of these will cost a lot of money and can really hurt your bottom line or worse, kill off your business altogether.

That is why it is imperative to shore up your data protection and security. Just because your company is small doesn’t mean that it is less susceptible to attacks. In fact, 71% of reported cyber-attacks target small and medium businesses.

When it comes to cyber security, prevention is always better (and less costly) than a cure. The main problem with cyber security is that the threat constantly evolves. As such, the need is to have a dynamic and proactive solution to protect oneself from these cyber threats. Investing now on protective measures such as good antivirus software, firewall protection, strong and secure password systems, and a strong awareness on cyber threats is the key to safeguard your information from intrusion and unauthorized access. A mindset of constant improvement and investment in cyber security systems is necessary to insure a company's survival in today's digital world.